We look forward to host you on a virtual time travel journey with celebratory era dinner and music!

More than 300 guests, including ambassadors residing in Estonia, had been invited to the opening of the Summer residence of the Head of State in August 1936. As contemporaries recall, the line of cars that night along the Oru Road had been tall as a string.

Come to a journey in the footsteps of president Päts.

The special program includes two virtual time travel tours and a festive three-course dinner at the Toila SPA Hotel restaurant Mio Mare, along with a musical surprise from the past.


Salad with fresh potatoes and marinated herring fillet,
sour cream, marinated mini beetroot

Roasted pork fillet with mushrooms and onions,
fresh salted cucumber, grilled vegetables, green onion sauce

Curd mousse with caramelized bread and berries

Bread, butter

Flavoured water





> Eriprogrammi algab virtuaalsete ajarännakutega
> Please make sure that you arrive 5 min in advance.
> Total duration of the special programme: ~ 3,5 h
> The special programme will take place when the minimum group (10 participants) is reached
> For a group visit on your date, please contact info@blueray.ee



Ticket 49 € per person



Starting point is a glass pavilion at the Oru Park near Toila Secondary School.
> VR tours take place outdoors.
> The Oru park is accessible to visitors in wheelchairs.
> VR may cause cyber sickness.
> Suitable for children 7+ years old.



Lossiplatsi 3, Pühajõe küla, Toila vald, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia
Google Maps: VR Toila 1938
Follow the Facebook video.


No refund shall be paid for services not used for reasons beyond the control of the Toila SPA Hotel and VR History.

In the footsteps of President Päts with a festive dinner


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